Growing Trends is listened to in 48 countries, our new program is all about people like you, from all over the world.
We would like to hear from you with ideas, comments and suggestions for our shows drop us a line at chris@chriscoope.com
We have been making changes to Growing Trends our internet based radio show, which we started back in 2015
Time to Eat – All about growing Herbs & Vegetables
Gardenesque – Everything to do with Gardens & Landscapes
World Wide Wesponsibility – A more serious look at sustainability and how we might all help our planet.
Face Time – Interviews with experts on topics of interest
Book Reviews – Interviews with authors of books relating to the environment, nature and garden landscaping.
Perhaps we could interview you for our Face Time segment? …. just drop us a line and we will contact you.
Views: 173
Growing Trends our new Radio Show
About three months ago, Ann ( my Co Host on Growing Trends) & I were given the opportunity to Host a radio show, we were basically given the chance to create our very own show, we wanted to be a little different, so after much thought and deliberations ‘Growing Trends’ was born, we would both love to hear what you think ? What we could include in the shows?
We’ve been having a ball talking to the most amazing folks in their spaces, they are in our midst and yet we hardly ever see them in this light, we all rush around in our daily lives, heads buried in smartphones or tablets, completely disconnected with the nature that is all around us.
Our guests are all connected by either their garden or the landscape where they work, some are keen gardeners, others technical experts in their field, all are in tune with nature, it’s as if it’s a constant healing process.
“A little oasis in the middle of suburbia.”
( Belinda & Terry’s Garden)
All find time to re connect almost daily with their space, we feel so privileged to be able to hear all their stories and bring them to you usually in their own homes.
Sometimes the recordings will be a little quirky, it’s because we are not in a studio. Some are far away, and we have to rely on the internet, which gives an odd echo from time to time, but talking to folks in Australia, England, South Africa, brings us all together.
“Chestnut growing down under!”
( John Stanley’s Australian outback)
We caught up with John in Australia early one morning.
“In my global work I see new trends in merchandising, display, social media marketing, general retailing, culinary eco-tourism and lifestyle retail”
we will catch up with John again shortly in the meantime.
“Finding happiness in a garden – how it’s done at the Kelly Gallery”
(Kelly Daniels – The Kelly Gallery)
Kelly was just inspirational , almost magical, her photography is enchanting.
You can find us on the internet at www.cravingtalkradio.com , or download the phone app Live365 or you can download Growing Trends as a podcast from the website.
Our upcoming schedule is both varied, fun and very different, here’s a few pictures taken on locations we visited..just wait till you hear the stories…
( half-pint McGee !)
“A simple stunning memorial garden”
” A sculpture park extraordinaire”
Views: 57
Some great landscape detail.
Let’s start with the unusual, well perhaps not unusual more not where you would expect it.
A car park in Portland, Oregon.
Miniature gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show
A Joker water fall with brick edge
A very large tree being moved.
A moon gate
Hawaii – a different way for a tree to remain standing !
A clever way to screen pedestrians from too much sun..
Providing shade at the upper level
Immaculate aftercare
Is it Art ?
an interesting restoration or is it pub conversion?
“Knapped flint’ walls are just amazing..
a lovely old stone wall…
Building stepped walls is not easy, this one has been
very well thought out.
Views: 42
Growing Trends our new internet radio show is going to be on air very soon
Growing Trends on Craving Talk Radio – www.cravingtalkradio.com
The preparations are all done, we’ve been working flat out on interviews, not too mention how to be heard above the noise of a garden landscape – it’s amazing how birds, ponds, sirens, planes, wind, dogs & cats make noise. No just kidding, they all add that true ambiance to a garden landscape.
We are so lucky our guests are interesting, knowledgeable, fascinating, often busy people, who find a huge amount of relaxation and enjoyment from their gardens, they all experiment with plants and vegetables, most have pets, they all absolutely love spending time in ‘their space’.
It is a real privilege to be invited into their space with them to conduct these interviews. Ann and I really appreciate the time they have given us to bring some remarkable interviews to you on Craving Talk Radio – www.cravingtalkradio.com.
We have a really exciting lineup of interviews from around the world, all with a sense of humour, knowledge, fun and we think informative.
Trends like miniature gardens, growing vegetables and herbs in amongst traditional planting or in pots, not just in a traditional garden but also on decks, roofs and other smaller spaces.
Our schedule will be available shortly…if you would like to ask us a question or have an unusual garden landscape drop us a line at chris.coope@grotrends.com telling us more and we will get back to you.
We will also be talking about ‘How to ‘ features, which will help you plan and develop your own space.
Ideas & trends from around the world, with expert views and advice, and of course light hearted banter from Ann & Chris
We hope you will enjoy our show…
Ann & Chris
Views: 92
How to start a project from a designer’s perspective.
It’s been many years since I first visited a client to sell my design & build company to them.
In all these years , some things never change and first impressions are always top most in my mind. Fortunately with many years of experience, a huge portfolio, a large portfolio of awards, and dozens and dozens of personal recommendations, it’s a little easier. However one should always remember “You are only as good as your last job” !
My system for want of a better word starts with my secretary, she will engage the potential client, take down details of why they called what they would like and, then make an appointment she knows I can keep – missed appointments or forgotten phone calls are extremely rude and guaranteed to lose you a project.
Because like most males (I suspect), my navigations skills are not particularly good, when she creates a temporary file it includes site directions, phone contacts etc.,
It also includes our questionnaire. We developed this as a means to extract information vital in providing what the customer was really seeking at the price they were willing to pay so that we could “Under promise and over supply” ..
During the initial visit, I will, listen about twice as much as talk, ( for those of you who know me well, this is a very interesting concept) discuss likes and dislikes, make a few notes, walk around the property and take site pictures, as it is usually the lady of the house only during the day, the site questionnaire is left to be completed, along with a fees for design work – I have never not charged for design work ( we may give part back on acceptance of the project), but we have worked on the principal that if you do not pay for something you do not value it !
Nothing is free in this world, and hiding your design costs inside the work is no exception, we are in business to provide an exceptional service at a fair price, that enables us to pay our staff, maintain insurances, replace equipment etc.,etc., finding the right balance is always a challenge.
Whilst walking around the site, it’s a great idea to make notes of access, height restrictions, positions of services, gate widths etc.
This initial visit would usually take about an hour perhaps a little longer, and often the acceptance rate to stage two the design would be around 55%.
Sometimes folks just wanted our award winning design skills, and that was fine as long as they paid the true price for them.
So here is the questionanaire.
Brief description of what you are looking
for : …………………………………………
How you use your garden :
Do you have animals ? : Yes / No.Do children play in the garden ? : Yes / No.
Do you like gardening ? : Yes / No.Do you like cutting grass ? : Yes / No
Do you entertain in the garden ? : Yes / No.Do you like relaxing in the garden ?Yes/ No.
What sort of Budget you would like us to Design
to : ……………………………………………………
(It helps enormously if we can have a figure to
work to, we should be able to produce a Design
within 10 percent )
Some items to consider :
Lawns. Yes / No
Shrubberies Yes / No.
Rockeries Yes / NoPonds Yes / No.
Streams Yes / NoFish / Koi Ponds Yes / No.
Paths Yes / NoPatios Yes / No.
Terraces Yes / No.Walls Yes / No.
Ground contouring Yes / NoVegetable gardens Yes / No.
Garden Features :
Garden Shed : Yes / No.Power & Lighting Yes / No.
Irrigation Yes / No.Summerhouses Yes / No.
Greenhouses Yes / NoGazebo’s Yes / No.
Pergolas Yes / NoSeating Yes / No.
Please add any other comments on the back of this sheet,
the more we know the better the design.We also suggested that a likes and dislikes list was created so we knew what to add or avoid.
Finally, rather than try and describe the items or styles we suggested that clients either take pictures, or articles from a magazine or bookmark web pages. so we could begin to build a profile picture of the type of landscape they sort.
We can go into this in more detail on our radio show at Growing Trends on www.cravingtalkradio.com
Views: 34
Filled in Swimming Pool
A few weeks after completion.
2. Let’s talk a little about timing for a project.
What’s the best time of year to do the work ?
Work in most planting zones above zone 7 is a year round event.
In England , for example, there is usually only a heavy frost during the months of January /February – this is not always the case but often the only time when the ground doesn’t thaw.
Why is this important ?
Two main reasons we will discuss later, Concrete and Mortar work should only be carried out on a rising thermometer that has already reached 2 degrees above freezing point.
The other is , if you attempt to plant a frozen potted plant or root balled tree it will more than likely never break into leaf.The best time of the year to commence work is therefore invariably the Spring when nature is attempting to start anew from a period of dormancy.
From a contracting point of view it is a very busy time, and often if you want to be “booked” in you would need to order the works way back in September or maybe commence the process even earlier, as some years we have been ‘booked’ for 12 months or more.
Things to consider are ;
Carrying out major earth moving or excavation work in periods of heavy rainfall – the resultant mess takes ages to clear up and it’s really quite difficult to obtain a good finish to hardworks.
Once plants have started to grow, ( buds opening) they require more attention to keep alive and to establish.
Plants generally have a dormant season between November to March – unless you are in much warmer climates.Rootballed plants require heavy equipment to move and place on site, they look more established, but seldom grow as quickly as bareroot examples, so sometimes it is worth considering a mixture of both if you are in a region that has bareroot material available – they are also much cheaper.
Planting bulbs is best carried out in September/October.
Annuals should only be planted after the last Spring frosts.
It will take between 3 – 5 years depending on conditions and how well you maintain your project for it to start looking it’s best.
Irrigation definitely helps with establishing a landscape, today you have a number of efficient methods to use, it’s worth investigating which would be best for you at the budget stage.
Collecting rainwater and reusing is a serious consideration 1 inch ( 25mm) of rainfall on an area of 1 sq ft ( 300mm sq) is over .5 gallon ( 2 ltrs)..that’s 600 gallons from a roof of say 1000 sq ft.Helpful Snippet – we often created a drainage system with a built in pop up irrigation system in the same trenches, as about 58% of surface water tends to run off or be wasted, we found we were able to harvest about 25% of the rainfall and irrigation water in this way.
Views: 87