Book Reviews,  Podcasts,  Time to Eat

Sustainable food for the Globe an interview with Norma Burnson

Ann and Chris interview this remarkable lady, Norma is on a mission.

Norma’s mission is “Sustainable Food for the Globe, One Square Foot at a Time,” and that is also the title of Norma Burnson’s book, available on At Burnson & Associates, we are passing along the baton of youth leadership development and involving our U.S. Veterans in our projects and workforce.

sustainable food for the globe

Be inspired to help Norma, but first listen to our interview.

Views: 222

One Comment

  • Patricia Wojcik

    It was wonderful to put a voice with your name, Norma, and I found your interview very interesting and informative. Your pubic speaking skills are amazing.  Thank you for sharing with me,

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