Edibles,  Food,  Gardening,  gardens,  Landscapes & Gardens,  Nature,  Vegetable Growing

This is so much fun !

So my question to you today is:  

When were you last seen walking around a garden, a city park, or through the woods?

Rodin's The Thinker 1880, probably cast 1949.
Rodin’s The Thinker 1880, probably cast 1949.

“The Thinker” – from one of our latest interviews…

Having  always been a little ‘cheeky’ , I turned Descartes words around a  little from   ‘ Je pense, donc je suis’ to ” I think therefore, am I?” – my reports from school often said ‘ if  – and then went on about my impish sense of humour’

Back to Growing Trends, our fun, friendly, internet radio show – our latest interview was from this superb Museum in Kansas City and the Kauffman Memorial Garden

Henry Moore Sculpture, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art
Henry Moore Sculpture, Nelson Atkins Museum of Art

Ever since Ann & I started our internet radio show we have had fun, sure it’s hard work to find the folks to interview, then arrange the best time to interview, especially with differing time zones.

We try and interview ‘on site’, so listeners can get a feel for how it really is, this proves challenging in windy conditions or inside cavernous stone buildings – the Museum springs to mind here.

The payback is simply stunning landscapes, interviewing amazing people!

Absolutely stunning at this time of year !
Absolutely stunning at this time of year !

Our main goal  is a desire to create interesting informative interviews that grab your attention and keep you interested – fortunately so many people in our industry have really interesting stories ,it’s really a matter of us letting them tell their story.

The hardest part is finding enough sponsors to cover the myriad of costs for doing this. It’s a real chicken and egg situation, the sponsors want listening numbers before committing, the show needs sponsors before promoting more, and the merry cycle of business life continues.

Light at the end of the tunnel?
Light at the end of the green tunnel ?

In the meantime, we are steadily building an audience, developing a really informative web site at Growing Trends   with a soon to be added link to youtube short videos of where we are interviewing. Please , if you get a chance to listen, do so, and maybe tell your friends there is this really different show out there to listen to..

In the short time we’ve been doing this we have learned  that there is a real desire for folks to reconnect with other folks, for buyers to talk to growers, for gardeners to talk to the gardener, for the sports person a bracing game of tennis or a round of golf. I confess to liking a few hours sailing, but then I am surrounded by green most days.

For the lucky some, that develop a lifelong passion it becomes a relaxing daily exercise, for others a calming walk in the woods is enough, for our children a healthy  carefree romp in a playground, or just to sit outside reading a good book is enough. What is just right for you?

If only we could all enjoy everyday scenes like this !
If only we could all enjoy everyday scenes like this !

Cities absolutely need green spaces for the people to unwind , connect with nature, report after report shows the benefits to this, even patients in hospitals benefit from gardens, we know how much kids love to play in a well laid out playground !

Our next group of interviews are going to be exciting, we’re interviewing a couple whose passion was to recreate a working farm, they have succeeded, it’s a magical place full of wonderful sights, smells, happy people and a great day out.

The nelson Atkins Museum of Art , Sculpture Park
The nelson Atkins Museum of Art , Sculpture Park

Then we are interviewing a competitor of mine, who has had the most amazing time, building show gardens for the worlds most prestigious flower show, as well as designing & building award winning residential gardens, then as a head gardener at a famous English estate, whilst forming specialist trade organisations and now turning his hand to writing books… watch this space as they say ! 

If you reached this far and would like to hear an interview…. Choose an Interview here

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